Vista Harden Ranch Assisted Living and Memory Care

Events at Vista Harden Ranch in Salinas

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Activities & Events Calendar

We know that for many people, living the good life means a full social calendar. 

Our on-site events and activities include opportunities to enjoy physical movement, get together with friends, learn new skills, and simply take advantage of what life has to offer.

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Why Choose Us?

Our team of exceptional staff is ready to look after all your needs, while getting to know you as an individual.

Our Community

Our spacious suites offer the comfort you need to make our community home. We can help customize the spaces to reflect each resident’s unique personality.

Floorplans & Gallery

Residents in our community can stay as active as they want with a full calendar of entertaining and educational activities.


Visit Us

Want to see what
we’re all about?

Our community is conveniently located near major highways, including Route 1, which runs along the California coast. We are also close to shopping centers, restaurants, hospitals, and the Monterey Peninsula.

Our Location

  • 290 Regency Circle
  • Salinas, CA 93906

Contact Information


  • Mon: Open 24 hours
  • Tue: Open 24 hours
  • Wed: Open 24 hours
  • Thu: Open 24 hours
  • Fri: Open 24 hours
  • Sat: Open 24 hours
  • Sun: Open 24 hours

Our Gallery

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